What Are The Impact Of “Digital Inheritance” On Heritage And Inheritance? 16 February 2021

Today, rapidly developing technology brings about change in all areas of law. Although our lives get easier with the development of new technologies, since the new concepts and institutions brought by technology have not been defined in the legal world, these concepts and institutions have been causing discussions.

“Today, rapidly developing technology brings about change in all areas of law. Although our lives get easier with the development of new technologies, since the new concepts and institutions brought by technology have not been defined in the legal world, these concepts and institutions have been causing discussions. It should be stated that the concept of ownership has undergone a metamorphosis especially within the scope of inheritance law. It was evaluated that there is no legal regulation regarding digital assets and digital heritage, and there is a legal gap in this regard in such an environment; where digital assets are an incontrovertible and undeniable reality, where there are digital systems that are called crypto money and have started to be used even in international payments, where there are social media accounts that provide astronomical advertising revenues are increasing day by day, where there are channels that serve only with advertising revenue and even paid membership system are created on YouTube and similar digital platforms. The 6th Civil Chamber of the Antalya Regional Court of Justice filled this gap with its verdict, verdict with 2020/1149 docket number and 2020/905 decision number. In accordance with the aforementioned verdict, considering developing technology and changing conditions, electronic mail accounts, social media accounts, digital wallet accounts and all similar digital assets may be requested to be included in the inheritance, and all these accounts can be included in the inheritance by making the necessary investigation by the court.”


We wish you all a good reading!



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